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Level 0 Female

 30 yrs old
Bell Gardens/Commerce, LA, CA
Registered May 4 2021
Released May 4 2021

0 blogs/1 comments
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Andromeda42's Blog Blogs about Andromeda42 148 people have subscriptions!

Last updated profile on May 13 2021 07:51PM
I Have a Dream
That I will be physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy with a good paying salary job, putting money away for retirement. That I will be living in a beautiful city and life will be good and I will have very little to worry about. That all the people I love and care about will be equally healthy and we will all share in the good times and be there for each other if any struggles should happen. If they do, then they all get managed well without unnecessary damage.
Favorite Things
* un-ironically watching anime (w33b-desu)
* eating delicious food (steamed curry buns are the best)
* drawing when motivation, creativity, and energy are all available to me (not as often as I would like)
* reading (sometimes books, sometimes fanfiction, sometimes manga, sometimes WEBTOON)
* video games (mostly switch games)
* sleeping
* cats (they are just adorable)
What Makes Me Laugh
* memes
* sarcasm
* tasteful shit talk
* visually punny humor
* me (I crack myself up)
I'm Unique Because...
* my real life initials are BDE
* my left eye color is a bit lighter than my right eye color
* my mouth is small so I only have 3 molars instead of 4 in each row
* the gay agenda
* trying to be a more compassionate person
* how to fold a fitted sheet (it is still witchcraft to me)
* pretty women and men
* all of my the crap in my favorite things list
I'd Like to Meet
* Keanu Reeves (the perfect man)
* Jennifer Garner (watching Elektra definitely awakened something in me)
* Tons of fictional characters, for various reasons