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Level 0 Female

 33 yrs old
Registered Jun 29 2018
Released Jun 29 2018

0 blogs/1 comments
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AshleyMadness's Blog Blogs about AshleyMadness 198 people have subscriptions!

Last updated profile on Apr 11 2019 06:02AM
Useless Daily Update!
Sweet as candy; hard as nails--It's Ashley Madness the trans girl sweetheart! Available now near Los Angeles!
Riding horses, drinking whiskey and making wine; growing and cooking a feast for friends; speaking language I don't know with people who know it little better than I.
I Have a Dream
That everyone is happy, healthy, and whole.
I'd Like to Meet
I'm Unique Because...
Have you ever met a whiskey-drinking cowgirl hippie with a NYC JD ?

I was raised in the endless summers of the central coast of California, where I learned how to drink whiskey, make wine, and ride horses before jetting off to New York City for law school. On the way East, I picked up a degree in English and Econ from a beautiful school in St. Louis, where I produced theater and toured dungeons and graduated before I could legally drink. But, corporate law being a scam (do not hire or work for a big firm,) I returned to the metropolis that birthed me to nurture my roots, care for my community and pursue a more ethical business model. I lived in Los Angeles for a while, but am now traveling in search of my next adventure!

Currently just north of Los Angeles!