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Level 0 Male

 58 yrs old
Irvine, OC, CA
Registered Mar 21 2011
Released Mar 25 2011

0 blogs/2 comments
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Backslider's Blog Blogs about Backslider 1 person has a subscription!

Last updated profile on Dec 20 2023 10:27AM
I'm Unique Because...
In this game a man gotta have a code and stick to it.
Useless Daily Update!
PaPayaOC i never met. Scheduled an appt. parking directions were not clear. Nothing matched the directions. When booker realized they were confusing complexes I was told to park across street. By then it was 15 min into appointment. Asked if there would be a rush now. No reply so i bailed. Then they were pissed. My bad?

Been seeing regulars for quite some time. Getting shut down now trying to find some new because my network is old . O well

Fake pics of all the Asian groups here don't matter really because they are typically a can't miss bang for the buck regardless.
Spontaneous Decisions
I'd Like to Meet
Met them already
My Brother
Favorite Things
Coffee in the morning at corner Patissier anywhere in France
What Makes Me Laugh
Dudes posting their photos here like its a dating site I mean really, like it matters. Here of all places. Dude like him some him. The creeper dudes who keep a photo album of their fave women here. smh
I Have a Dream
Retire in Thailand for the obvious reasons