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Level 1 Female

 35 yrs old
Ontario, Inland Empire, CA
Registered Feb 9 2017
Released Feb 9 2017

20 blogs/30 comments
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Last updated profile on Oct 28 2018 02:39PM
I'm Unique Because...
im the best listener and will also help in whatever i can to make life much easier..
Useless Daily Update!
I read Horoscopes daily. for some reason i wanna find out how others are special including finding out what makes everyone unique.
decorating and rearranging different types of rooms, weather its a closet or a bedroom. fashion and making sure things are nice and neat are a must. i also love candles and incent oils, are another one of fabulous interests, nothing like leaving and coming back to a room that smells like a pleasant area.
Favorite Things
glitter (anything that sparkles,shimmers)
taking bubble baths
making girls pretty by giving them a complete modeling makeover!
lip singing Christina Aguilera (in the shower)
Candles (scented oils ) as well
FX points (I call them, Plus Points with gabby)
What Makes Me Laugh
joking and making silly stories that are beyond over the top corny and yet geeky funny is totally worth a laugh.
I'd Like to Meet
Riley Reid (although ive met her plenty of times) i want to work with her every chance i get.

my next dream guy..
I Have a Dream
... that I can conquer great things in life! and looking back at my success saying "I finally did it" with doing, i also wanna become one of the top rated level 5 girls.. im gonna do everything to make that happen!
My beautiful mother RIP/04 and my brother is my other hero.. we are 2 yrs apart and that's my best friend.