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Level 5 Male

 55 yrs old
Registered Feb 26 2007
Released Mar 20 2008

67 blogs/1249 comments
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Gr8lay's Blog Blogs about Gr8lay 42 people have subscriptions!

Last updated profile on Jun 28 2021 11:05PM
Useless Daily Update!
Real Life can be funnier than Fantasy or Photoshop , just have to know where and how to look at things!!

Yes , the Kum n Go is a real place! the Picture was taken at a Mini Mart and Gas Station in Arkansas.

Yes , the Best Weiner in a supporting Roll is a real sign... The Picture was taken at Disney California Adventure.

My Handle "Gr8lay" is not regaling you with my prowess It takes two to Tango

!!NOTE!!: If Someone contacts you via phone or text saying they are me , please verify by PM.
I'd Like to Meet
Someone who enjoys life, humor , self reliant and wants to be "present" and appreciate what they have.

Someone who is constantly updating their knowledge of the world around them and has an open mind to all points of view. Regardless of their stance on an issue.

someone who has integrity not just mouths the words when it is convenient to further their agenda and Is not complacent.

Ok maybe this is not the best place for all that

How about this!

Someone who understands, I am not here because I am lonely, quite the contrary, I troubleshoot, provide solutions, and am constantly meeting and talking to people...this is a momentary escape from that.

Someone who does not take the efforts and time of others for granted. It is a choice not a requirement and It should always be mutually beneficial. We can always make it surprising and fun.

Someone who understands I am a friendly, Fun Loving, and Kind Person, with a great sense of humor. Please do not mistake that for being weak. You do so at your own Peril.

Make the absolute best of the moment..until the next time and again and again ...
I'm Unique Because...
I believe that "luck is where preparation meets opportunity"

I stay at it till it's done and my responsibilities are fulfilled.

I am always a Gentleman , until it is time not to be!
I Have a Dream
That the enjoyment of the job is made better by the act of doing the job. "We make our own destiny by the path we choose to follow. Own it and make it the best you can or move on."

"May you never go to hell but always be on your way."
What Makes Me Laugh
Lazy People who walk five miles around a problem when one mile thru the problem gets it done. Eventually you have to deal with it, even after you tried so hard to ignore it.

Crazy By definition " Doing the same thing over and over the same way expecting a different result" How's that workin for ya?

Quick Wit and well timed intelligent humor

The fricken terms of endearment used randomly drives me nuts "Boo, Babe, sweetie, Darling, Love" How about just "Hi" at least after you meet them in person, and they are a troll doll, it will not be awkward!
Flying , reading , Investment (In Fun) , Travel, Women, Fun, Women,... Whipped Cream, Chocolate Syrup …Ok Got off the subject sorta
Leonardo Da Vinci , Einstein , Machiavelli , Independent Strong Ladies, Tesla (Nikola) , Pet rescues and Our Armed Forces

Not in any particular order
Favorite Things
-living well is the best revenge
-Aware and Engaging People
-sending out the Occasional BOD to deserving destinations

Cheese cake, Turtles, Coffee, Scotch

That covers some of it!