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Level 1 Female

 54 yrs old
Palm Springs/Coachella Valley, Inland Empire, CA
Registered Jul 3 2019
Released Jul 12 2019

11 blogs/1 comments
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DallasDarlin's Blog Blogs about DallasDarlin 997 people have subscriptions!

Last updated profile on Mar 28 2023 05:50PM
I'd Like to Meet
Nice people to hang out with especially nice gentlemen
Useless Daily Update!
I have received two negative ratings. The two profiles are operated by the same man. He issued these reds after I attempted to help a friend under his control. This situation can not be described in detail without risking a TOS violation.
Favorite Things
hanging with friends in a relaxed environment having good food and drinks.

I am real down to earth, I dont bs, I love to laugh and sing yes sing I actually do it really well!
Going on short trips to tropical places, lovem road trip

I enjoy Black jack and poker!

any thing music related, concerts live music events

I'm Unique Because...
I am different because I am just trying to get through this thing called life with as little drama and hurting others as possible. I love people and think that everyone has something to offer to this world. So good some bad! If you are part of the good ones I want nothing to do you!!

Anyone can complain and bring you down or try to make your life a living hell but I am them one who wants to push my friend up and love seeing good things happen to others!

If youre all about you...and no one else i wish you luck!

I trying everyday to bring a smile to someone or do a kind thing for someone more people should try it! I feels wonderful!
Erin Brockovich, strong women and honest people
What Makes Me Laugh
real life
I Have a Dream
no more school shootings! no more senseless killing
a ton of stuff....