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Level 0 Male

 39 yrs old
City of Los Angeles, LA, CA
Registered Sep 7 2018
Released Sep 17 2018

1 blogs/11 comments
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E.Nigma's Blog Blogs about E.Nigma 4 people have subscriptions!

Last updated profile on Sep 28 2018 09:36PM
I'm Unique Because...
My small ugly penis that I tried to make better with surgery and failed. Good thing I have a big heart.

Too bad they’re both invisible.

I'd Like to Meet
Some of the people on here with pink names.
Kissing her, slowly, softly, everywhere, every corner, her ears, her hips, her toes, every inch of her body. I love to worship her breasts for as long as she’ll let me. To trace her shape with my lips and explore her body for as long as she needs to come. Because all I need is 10 or so seconds. HAHA! Totally not kidding. Gotta make up for my tiny peener somehow. Kn’w’m sayin’, ladies?
I Have a Dream
“Never really all that interested, but I find myself telling her how beautiful she is anyway. Because it’s true–all women are, in one way or another. You know, there’s always something about every damn one of you. There’s a smile, a curve, a secret. You ladies really are the most amazing creatures. My life’s work. But then there’s the morning after. The hangover, and the realization that I’m not quite as available as I thought I was the night before. And then she’s gone. And I’m haunted by yet another road not taken.”