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Level 0 Female

 50 yrs old
Registered Dec 24 2014
Released Oct 15 2015

33 blogs/6 comments
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EGrimaldi1's Blog Blogs about EGrimaldi1 584 people have subscriptions!

Last updated profile on Feb 3 2020 11:56AM
I'm Unique Because...
Im currently living in NW Tennessee(near Martin). Im within 2 hrs or less to Nashville, Memphis and Jackson TN. An hour from Paducah KY.
Do not
PM me here please!
You can SMS/Text me at:
818.514.9656 Identify yourself as an HX member!
Useless Daily Update!
I'm 5'5, average body type, soft mid length curly red hair, big brown eyes and head to toe velvety soft skin.... I like to stay in shape, I'm educated and able to fit in wherever I go. My favorite thing in the world is my Puggle!
Favorite Things
I LOVE LOVE Ice cream, Whipped Cream & Chocolate.... or eclairs and whipped cream... the way it feels when you slide into a warm bath...the feel of nice clean crisp linens on the bed... the smell of freshly cut grass...hearing a little baby laugh & giggle. Just too many things to list here.
What Makes Me Laugh
My sweet puggle dog...
I'd Like to Meet
Myself 10 years in the future to ask how things went!
I used to have a list of heroes but I'm a little more jaded these days so... Im working on that answer. to be continued....
Making even a tiny difference in someones life with even the smallest action, gesture, or words....
I Have a Dream
Ive just relocated to Memphis Tennessee and I dream of having a real home and a little bit of space to call my own!