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Level 4 Male

 46 yrs old
San Diego, CA
Registered Sep 30 2019
Released Jan 17 2020

17 blogs/97 comments
Krodit's Blog Blogs about Krodit 4 people have subscriptions!

Last updated profile on Jan 28 2022 06:04PM
Useless Daily Update!
I will ALWAYS send you a PM before texting you.

If you get a text message from someone saying they are me, look for my recent PM saying that I will text you.


I have never met "AvaGrace2000". When I asked them if they confirmed by pm whether it was me they allegedly met, they went silent. Not issuing a retaliatory red as that would be an abuse of the rating system.

Please always confirm identity by pm as anyone can claim to be some other user.


"LizBaby" did not provide the address by the previously agreed upon time which led to no meet. She then accused me of flaking on her. Her network log history demonstrates how she abuses the rating system.

In her version of events, she neglects to mention how she failed to provide the address by the time she herself agreed to the day prior. I have proof. In any case, her words are merely an attempt at deflection.