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Level 0 Male

 34 yrs old
Hollywood, LA, CA
Registered Jun 6 2022
Released Jun 17 2022

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Last updated profile on Jul 19 2022 10:58PM
I'm Unique Because...
I unplugged from the Matrix

Despite this I remain highly ambitious

I am a collaborator

I am quite adept at building systems as solutions for creative and financial endeavors

If you're wanting to make something happen, in most cases, I can help. Send me a message.
Day trading & investing, crypto/NFT/metaverse, art, painting, filmmaking, creative writing, poetry, martial arts, spirituality, photography, marketing & growth strategies, traveling, self education
I'd Like to Meet
Cute girls who enjoy my company

Anyone who desires to be financially dominated

Any creator, artist, brand, business or product that wants to promote, advertise & grow and has a budget to invest in marketing

The one who keeps me and won't let go
Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Banksy, Gaspar Noè, Hitoshi Matsumoto, Princess Diana, JFK, Linkin Park, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Radiohead, William Blake, Rumi, Don Quixote de La Mancha, Jack Sparrow
Favorite Things
My dog and cat, the company of certain people, security, comfort, love: being in love, falling in love, craving love, expressing love, learning, self discovery, self expression, self improvement, self empowerment, finding solutions, growth, creative passion and overcoming challenges

Sunny days at the beach

All my lovers

Roller coasters

Early morning, before everyone is awake

Long walks at night

Ice cream, especially on rainy days

I Have a Dream
To protect and serve all the people I cherish
Useless Daily Update!
Life is good 😎