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Level 4 Male

 74 yrs old
Upland, Inland Empire, CA
Registered Feb 19 2007
Released Mar 20 2008

130 blogs/1956 comments
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Last updated profile on Apr 15 2018 12:14PM
I'm Unique Because...
Old young man. Just keep getting older but still feel the same as I felt many moons ago. Old Hippie, still performing the good old rock and roll music, try to enjoy life in a world that's going insane. I have to mention that I have a great respect for women. The way they are in tune with their innerself is amazing. I meet many women when I perform, and to see how they fool men, makes me puke and respect women who do it a different way only more and more. It is so simple, we (Men)always think with the wrong head, they know that. What else can a man ask for!! Besides that, their life experience, and a lot of times meeting women that have a very adult outlook in life, makes me want to see some of them more and more.

Without them the world would be way worse the way it already is. Theykeep the sun shining!!

And to my fellow male species, please show respect. Treat people with respect. I've heard stories that make sick.
R E S P E C T we all should have that!!
I'd Like to Meet
Mmmmmmmmmmm, that's a tough one. Met many people already that I admired. I guess keep meeting people and listen to their stories, so the answer is: I like to meet anyone that has something to bring to the table
Music, Surfing, Reading, Astrology, Walking, Hawaii (Aloha and Mahalo lets smoke some Pakalolo hahahaha
Georgie Patton, Erwin Rommel, Napoleon, Brian Bennet, Buddy Rich, Prince Maurits, Floris V and last but not least of course my wife, who puts up with me and my BS for 45 years+ now, and my dogs, (they still love me unconditionally
Useless Daily Update!
Rules and regulations who needs them??? Open up the door
Favorite Things
Performing Live with my Band. Horseback riding on Maui, back to nature away from the madness
What Makes Me Laugh
George Carlin, Andre van Duin, Wim Kan, Harry Jekkes. Oh.... what makes me laugh? The Republican Party, actually they make me puke too!! Let me ad, the Democrats are pretty much a joke too
I Have a Dream
I had a was a wet dream