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Level 0 Female

 26 yrs old
Glendale, SFV, LA, CA
Registered May 3 2017
Released May 8 2017

4 blogs/14 comments
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Mobbarbie's Blog Blogs about Mobbarbie 2014 people have subscriptions!

Last updated profile on Jul 23 2019 01:32AM
Useless Daily Update!
Steady mobbin'.
I guess you could say I'm spontaneous with my time.

oh. Partayyy.

I stay in the city of Los Angeles in highland park. Anything local is appealing I dont like to go too far from home if possible.

I'm terrible at consistency but really need it in my life. I lack in motivation most days but i swear im trying. If something comes along that I find real crazy interest in, I will do my best pursue it.

Ill do my best to treat you the way I'd like to be treated. I try my hardest to be patient and understanding. This does not mean I will let myself be a doormat.

My network is trustworthy despite the blog posted 2 years ago stating otherwise. I was young, I was dumb. And I got bashed and belittled instead of educated. But i still learned.
Feel free to ask me anything, I will respond as soon as i can.
I am not on here rarely, sorry. Life is crazy.