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Level 3 Female

 34 yrs old
Registered Mar 22 2010
Released Mar 23 2010

59 blogs/332 comments
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Last updated profile on Aug 12 2024 01:08PM
I'm Unique Because...
I’m a natural beauty

I’m a autodidact

I was reading at a post-Doctoral level in 1st grade.

I can walk and read a book at the same time

I smell really delicious and I have the softest most silken skin ever!

I am genuine in my integrity . I value ethics, the feminine , the sacredness and joy of embracing what makes life so great- the masculine energy that men share.

I have firm principles , I value forming relationships and fostering mutual goodness and compassion. Trust is given and in turn symbiotically gifted.

I’m actually a divine angel with a dazzlingly artsy and mysterious fire in my heart. Don’t mistake my cartoon-hot body or beauty for snobbish or holier than thou entitlement.
I am wholly earthy , pathos driven and told that I convey an aura of acceptance , interest and confidence in others.
I'd Like to Meet
Wonderful souls who feel a scintillating resonance with me

Lifelong lover-friends


Art collectors

My dream daddy - Elon Musk

And of course, If I could meet dead people- Varlan Shalamov, Joseph Stalin, Leventri Beria, Erwin Rommel, Feild Marshell Paulus, Osip Mandelatham, Anais Nin, Albert Speer, LenI Riefenstahl, Otto Dix, Egon Schiele, Hunter S Thomson, Julius Evola, Satri Devi, Joseph Goebbels, Arthur Rimbaud, Klaus Kinski

And finally my great uncle- the 2nd longest-held American POW at the Hanoi Hilton -Colonel Robert Hall
I Have a Dream
I dream of seeing my artwork displayed in prestigious museums, art exhibits, private collections, and galleries across the globe. Another goal of mine is to successfully complete my graduate studies.

Additionally, I hope to embark on a historical learning adventure with my dear friends from Russia to
Explore and excavate the former Battle of Stalingrad positions in what is now Volgograd, Russia.
If you are a collector of battle relics, you might be interested in visiting the wonderful website/store of my Russian friends -
If you mention my name, Alexandria, they will provide you with discounts!
WW2 combat dynamics and battlefield doctrine /history/ strategy/ the art of war etc

The Eastern front POW experience

Russophilia - I love Russian culture , history, art and music.

Germanophilia too of course

Reading voraciously

Collecting battlefield artifacts
Collecting trenchart

Painting and creating fine art on canvas

Loving, learning, and sharing
Favorite Things
The books of Varlam Shalamov

Studying the Eastern Front of WW2
The Battle of Stalingrad
Militaria collecting

Painting and creating artwork

Reading reading and reading some more


Wonderful lover-friends who illuminate beauty in life for me
Varlam Shalamov
What Makes Me Laugh
Black comedy

George Carlin

Lenny Bruce

Gallows humor

Soviet jokes

Slapsticky war movies like “ Cross of Iron” or the cheesy film adaptation of Sven Hassels novel “ Wheels of Terror”