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Level 2 Female

 54 yrs old
Irvine, OC, CA
Registered Nov 14 2019
Released Nov 25 2019

3 blogs/21 comments
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  • Green eyed Siren
    Jul 23 2024 10:38AM
    California > Orange County > Central > Irvine

Last updated profile on Jul 17 2024 10:02AM
Useless Daily Update!
1969 GenX Scorpio Queen - is it true what they say about Scorpios being insatiable .
I'm Unique Because...
Call me Jane. I am a mature woman who is engaging, sincere, and friendly.

I love intellectual conversations, yet I love to laugh and I enjoy good humor. I am comfortable in my own skin and I am very good at making others feel just as comfortable around me. It's as if we've known each other for years just after meeting. I'm a Sapiophile.

I'm confident, not cocky, independent, fun and funny. I make myself "Laugh Out Loud". I am sarcastically witty, or I use witty sarcasm.
Firefighters are my heroes because they run towards the danger, they never give up, they are quick to assess situations and solve problems for the benefit of all else.
They inspire others, and they do more than fight fires.
Did I mention that I think firemen are hot. The Big Red Fire Engine is a trigger for me.
What Makes Me Laugh
I make myself laugh
A humorous man. A smart intelligent man who is funny too.
Favorite Things
Shoes, I love Shoes - did I say shoes?
I enjoy billiards and I'm not too bad. I have my good days and bad days, but for me, it's not about wining, it's about the conversation you have with the people around the pool table.
I Have a Dream
... to travel to beautiful destinations and see the world in its natural beauty. See the cultures of life.
I'd Like to Meet
Inspiring people who uplift others. Intelligent people who enjoy good conversation but also have light hearted humor. I'm a Sapiophile