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Level 1 Female

 41 yrs old
Registered Apr 3 2017
Released Apr 3 2017

23 blogs/12 comments
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SpencerThomas's Blog Blogs about SpencerThomas 1120 people have subscriptions!

Last updated profile on Apr 4 2023 01:18PM
I'm Unique Because...
I'm funny and I don't take myself too seriously...nobody makes it outta here alive.....I have been on both ends of the spectrum of life already and waiting for the next pendulum swing but being truly grateful for my blessings and being healthy make me truly wealthy.having dollas IS a little bit easier though
MUSIC almost all genres
Travel both world and mental
Keepin it spicy
Sports Cars/ANYTHING that goes fast (not allowed on Motorcycles)
Barret Jackson Auction Weekends
Lingerie/Stockings/ well made lingerie
FMPs and almost any heel with an ankle strap
Extraterrestrial sciences
Spiritual well being
I'd Like to Meet
Tom Hardy(meat)
Thomas Keller
Tina Turner
Michael Mina
An Extraterrestrial, if not Elon Musk will suffice for now I guess.
Whoever is responsible for perfecting artificial watermelon flavoring.
Someone who got it all figured out but will not rub it in
A nice guy to snuggle up with
My next puppy
All US Military peeps, my Dad and single fathers getting it done!
Anyone that has been hurt and does not hurt people because of it.
Favorite Things
Gummi Candies, High Heels with ankle straps, chocolate, fellatio (especially when in love) breezy California mornings and late nights, rainy Sundays with someone I love and big pot of soup made by me....
What Makes Me Laugh
Cheesy pickup lines delivered with confidence and a smile.
I go for low hanging fruit!
Little kids that swear and flip strangers the bird when Mom isn't looking.
the absurdity of life and
Helen Keller /yo mama jokes!
I Have a Dream
I'm not a glass half full or empty kind of person, just happy to have a glass! ...or a I'll take a new Shelby, Corvette or Porsche
I also want to open another restaurant, but only half of of the last one and I just really need a dog.
I know our purpose on Earth is each other and what you do for your fellow person when nobody else is watching counts for so much.
Useless Daily Update!
Oceanside here I come hide your brothers boyfriends and hubbies!

My phone number is 619 459-0688