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Level 3 Female

 36 yrs old
Anaheim, OC, CA
Santa Ana, OC, CA Today!
Registered Sep 12 2023
Released Sep 13 2023

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Last updated profile on Sep 16 2024 09:17PM
I'm Unique Because...
I do not expect or even desire an "easy" life. I would rather have an interesting existence, colorful experiences and some character.
What Makes Me Laugh
I love to laugh. Im pretty funny if I try maybe even more in a different way when i dont. I really like to meet ppl that are funnier than me and make me laugh.
Funny ppl usually are also usually smart, not always hahahah! But usually.

wholistic health and beauty care products
growing things to eat & preparing them to be eaten,

Other ideas for fun
Late nights with cool peeps, sleepovers, concerts, festivals, hiking, traveling, couples, housewifey stuff in skimpy clothes- cooking, cleaning, laundry or whatever, massages, couples, cnc
Favorite Things
Crisp New England springtime morning air
Sunday Sunrise sets
Fresh picked strawberries eaten while picking
Southern Summer night Symphony of crickets & frogs
Home grown Cherokee purple hearts on A Bojangles Biscuit
New Years Day cream cheese bread
Useless Daily Update!
i got weird hours; so ANYTIME is a good time to hit me up. if you're eager to see me feel free to call and text my numbers, flirt, whatever. i dont trip out that someone wants my attention. Im flattered and appreciate it.
The person that terrified & selflessly protects those who cant protect themselves, especially when no one is looking.
I'd Like to Meet
As many people as possible that have connections & resources in my area of need, especially the ones who are down to fight the good fight, and take down evil.

Some solid friends that can help me maintain a consistent schedule/touring arrangements.

Personal trainer, especially a CrossFit type. im fun to coach ! c'mon i haven't had one offer

The owner of an extra car in need of a new home, obviously i accept gifts but that's not what i am asking for, no offers here either.

A paralegal.

Master of network Security
I Have a Dream
I succeed at saving my child, and become my own hero. Then one by one hold everyone on the list accountable for their greed, neglect, abuse, laziness, and apathy, and hand out appropriate punishments for each crime.

Things change, we rewrite the rules, and we replace the corrupt system with a healing one. People begin to heal, and we break the cycle.