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Level 2 Female

 36 yrs old
Anaheim, OC, CA
Registered Apr 20 2023
Released Apr 20 2023

15 blogs/9 comments
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Sweetassugar's Blog Blogs about Sweetassugar 696 people have subscriptions!

Last updated profile on Sep 7 2023 09:38AM
Useless Daily Update!
Buena Park this evening and tomorrow. Snata Ana now i can come to you or you to me.

PM me PM me PM me Pm me

phone screen disaster
Too many things interest me. I'm like a cat, with less lives. I like dogs not cats though just fyi.
Favorite Things
My sweet boy is my most favorite thing in the whole world. I love the way he smiles and laughs and looks to check who is watching when he does something sneaky. I miss him so much every day. He is why I am here with yall. We all have our reasons and my sweet sweet boy is mine.

If anyone has experience with this kind of situation or suggestions I would love to hear. Please PM me!
We all need to be a hero when that day comes that someone needs saving. I am not sure if everyone gets that day in their life, a cha ce to be someone's hero. But if I get one of those days in my life I hope I make the cut.

My dad always said to always stand up for people that are smaller, weaker, & not quite as intelligent as me. I do that every time I have a chance.

I'm currently working on some super hero operations. If you want to be my hero ask me about it. Who knows today might be you're day to be a hero. I need a few on the team to finish my mission. I'm aiming to make some changes, if that's you're kinda thing.
I'm Unique Because...
I'm not now that their are so many unicorns all over. But about 30 years ago I was one of the only unicorns hip hopping around. Granted their are millinicorns all over the place now, but if you look close you'll see all the magical powers OGicorns like me possess.

When I fly high, I have real wings that flap ank pink glitter clouds barrel out to the tunes of Bob Marely. If the glitter touches your skin the fancy powder makes you feel like your floating high up thwre with me. You'll get the good kind of goosebumps and feel happy as a clam for hours on end. If the pink cloud breezes by you'll smell strawberries. NOT like a fake scratch and sniff. It smells like your hands do after picking fresh strawberries that you pick yourself out of "pick your own berries patch," grama pie quality ONLY.

They just don't make unicorns like they used to. Unicorns go invisible most of the time. Our appearance is fleeting and can change as quick as the weather.
I'd Like to Meet
The people that came up with some of these abbreviations. Please change Russian? They are not nice. And im great for Ruasian I don't want anyone to Russia style me.
What Makes Me Laugh
People in general, be yourself. It is badass to be an ass backwards weird ass, as long as your ass is real, even if your an asshole. As long as you own it right thats cool ass to me. The more pd the strange individual true you you are- thats makes me laugh, because I relate 100%. Some call my ass crazy, and im always laughing. If you cant laugh at your own ass, you're just a jack ass.
I Have a Dream
That I wake up and I'm 25 and Jennifer Lawrence tells me I was the best inception trail participant they ever had ever.

And some how I have all the secrets to my own future but i dont quite realize it, its subconcious. I live the decade all all over again. Because inception is wild like that!!
I regret very few things. Though i am far from perfect, I do always think deeply when making important choices. So I don't end up doing mamy things much differently.
But when the days that were a nightmare in the experiment begin to approach, the magical inception powers kick in and I follow my intuition each time I did not in the dream. Im like a super hero my unicorn blood coursing through my veins.
I somehow end up in this cabin with flower and veggie gardens on a beautiful mountain top. And my dog (that would be like 19 now- hahha it's my dream) is chasing squirrels and my sweet boy is by my side learning the word squirrel. He can't say it right. But he is pointing and laughing his butt off. Then my other first sweet boy comes running back to lick my human sweet boys face. I am watching the bonfire smoke as it wisps in to the sunset, and the lighten bugs are just coming out, and my human sweet boy stares at them and is pointing and im teaching him another new word. He can't say it, it's so cute and it's the most fulfilling happiest moment on my life. In that moment I embody the purest peace and sticks with me the rest of my life.

That is MY dream.

~To anyone going through tough times~
If hope is scarce and slipping through your fingers, I will never insist you don't loose hope. Sometimes it there is none, i wont argue t
With you.
But I will remind you it's okay to dream your wildest dreams. I'll insist to never give those away..
Even if your hope feels stolen and crushed by someone or the universe, i believe the dreams it yours. We have the right to indulge it when needed. Just come back to earth eventually, do t hope for it. Just make that shit come true even if all hope is lost.

Maybe im just an out there weirdo? If anyone ever needs to talk, I'm good for that, and listening. I'd love to hear your wildest dreams. PM me.