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Level 5 Male

 57 yrs old
Huntington Beach, OC, CA
Huntington Beach, OC, CA Today!
Registered Dec 3 2011
Released May 9 2012

754 blogs/11625 comments
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Last updated profile on Jul 16 2024 11:50PM
Favorite Things

Just enjoying the company of the great ladies of Hx ...

And please read my useless daily update --- I do not ever randomly text anyone, and would always be willing to do a p.m. verification for any reason at all, and I have mail into 2035 --- so 11 years down the road ...

What Makes Me Laugh


Ladies who question and verify random texters here on HX ...

I only know and consider about 7 or 8 guys here on Hx as friends. So if anyone is contacting you ladies and says that they are my friend or that I have shared any details, there's a 99.999 % chance that I have no idea who they are and certainly did not share any details with them at all, and they are getting off on manipulating your mind or trying to gain some sort of credibility with you...

If I was locked in a room, and gents from Hx were to start walking in, I may only be able to recognize about 7 or 8 of them in total... So in essence I know very few gents from Hx on a personal level ...

So verify via pm here on Hx, always be extremely skeptical of random texters, they are weirdo's and truly in need of psychiatric help...


I'm Unique Because...
Useless Daily Update!

Ladies --- Do not listen to nor engage with anybody who texts you randomly without verifying them via a P.M. here on Hx !!!

There are far too many just plain WEIRDOS out there who get off on engaging with you !!!

And don't be the IDIOT who falls for :

I don't have any mail on Hx

If a guy can't get and keep his mail privileges up, ask yourself " Why am I engaging with this LOSER ? "

Lastly, I am not a member of any other site at all... Hx Rules as far as I am concerned !!!

Not a member of : PD, USASG, or any thing else of the kind...

If you encounter another PeteMalloy from another site, it's not me...

I only have a FB in my personal life, because I didn't grow up with the internet and honestly --- I think social media is a destructive tool to the humanity of Millennials and Gen Z'ers and beyond... It's friggin weird that human beings don't have to meet or know their engaging party but yet can impart hurtful comments to another human being without fear of retribution... In my era, you would have suffered a good ole fashion ass kicking...