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Level 0 Female

 45 yrs old
San Diego, CA
Registered Sep 16 2018
Released Feb 6 2019

2 blogs/20 comments
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Raena_Ray's Blog Blogs about Raena_Ray 557 people have subscriptions!

Last updated profile on Apr 16 2021 12:43PM
I'm Unique Because...
I am a unique mix of analytical/cerebral and creative.

I am a master organizer of all things.

I went to a summer program at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Academy when I was in high school and learned to fly.
I'm a college graduate, an organizing expert, a bit of a techie nerd, a PBS junkie, and a social butterfly. In my free time I frequent yard sales, go dancing, spin House music, snuggle with my min-pin, and listen to self-help audiobooks (implementing the strategies far less often than I care to admit). I think life is about adventures shared with others and believe that authenticity reigns supreme (second only to love).
I'd Like to Meet
In light of COVID-19 concerns, I am being very selective with new clientele. I have been taking precautions in my day-to-day life to minimize my risk: staying home as much as possible, practicing social distancing when I do leave, wearing a face mask in public, and sanitizing and washing my hands after touching ANY surfaces outside my home. I would expect that individuals I choose to meet with are also taking this threat seriously and observing the same sort of precautions.
Useless Daily Update!
Being cooped up for an extended period of time with no personal interaction is simply NOT healthy for anyone. One has to find a balance where reasonable caution intersects with living a life worth living. That's where you'll find me.

Don't let my librarian-like facade fool you. Behind closed doors I'm anything but prim and proper. I'm all about letting my hair down, indulging in life's pleasures, and encouraging others to do the same. I'll be your blissful retreat from the strains of life.