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Level 1 Male

 46 yrs old
San Diego, CA
Registered Jul 21 2014
Released Jan 1 2017

0 blogs/11 comments
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Wahoo2000's Blog Blogs about Wahoo2000 2 people have subscriptions!

Last updated profile on Aug 18 2021 02:15AM
I'm Unique Because...
VISITORS to San Diego and local friends - feel free to message me! I'm not always on the lookout for who is here, so let me know!

There have been multiple incidents of males with no HX account falsely claiming to be some user on HX. They trick a girl by claiming they can't get to their HX account for some reason. They are experienced con artists, and have victimized countless girls.
I will not contact you without sending a
PM here on HX, and I will typically include the text number I will use.
DO NOT engage with anyone that does not offer to verify by PM here on HX. If anyone contacts you claiming to be me/Wahoo2000, please request they follow up with a PM. I will be 110% happy to do so and can ALWAYS unlock more mail for myself. If someone refuses to confirm by PM, that person IS NOT ME, only pretending to be me.
I'd Like to Meet
People with a TRUE "zest for life", not people who are just "going through the motions". The former I can be friends with and hang out with regularly.

The latter? "Fool me once, shame on you.... you won't get a chance to fool me again!"
Favorite Things
Being tall and in good shape ;-)
Being a gentleman/manners/respectful
Meeting new people
I Have a Dream
That we all treat each other the way WE would want to be treated. Be nice, be good, don't take advantage of others to move yourself ahead - financially, personally, etc.
Useless Daily Update!
I'm in San Diego!