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Level 4 Male

 69 yrs old
Baldwin Park, SGV, LA, CA
Registered Aug 3 2011
Released Aug 23 2011

7 blogs/1406 comments
See Photo Albums
cocoa_lover's Blog Blogs about cocoa_lover 40 people have subscriptions!

Last updated profile on Oct 1 2023 08:20PM
I'm Unique Because...
I am a 69 year-old Latino male. I am 5'10". 230 lbs.
All the women on this site! - especially the ones who are 30+ and all of the Female Porn Stars! I truly salute you! I would be honored to meet you. I will always respect you as long as you respect me. I always abide by your rules. I never forget that I am your guest. I am the ultimate Silver Fox!
Girls, may I give you a virtual kiss? Here!
Favorite Things
I LOVE to kiss & be kissed!! I'm a Booty Lover who loves to cuddle. I also enjoy taking girls to breakfast, lunch or dinner. If you would ever just want to meet me for coffee or a meal, let me know!

I also like long walks, bowling, going to see a movie. I love to have a nice long chat with a good woman & laugh. . Just holding a nice girl in my arms makes me happy! I will be your friend for life!
Useless Daily Update!

If you would like to send me any photos and/or FX Points, I will accept them.
It pleases me to please you!
I'd Like to Meet
All the women of HX
I am missing out!
I Have a Dream
to be kissed by two or more women at once!
Internet, History, Maps, Computers, Autism, Math & Figures, 1950's-1980's music (including disco/dance), dinner-dates, photography, talking, sphicter, Rims, licking, hugs & kisses.
I also love to go to the beach, lay down & give my date long hugs on the sand!
I am a very serene guy who does not like drama at all!!

Aggressive women are so much fun!
What Makes Me Laugh
Soupy Sales, Cheech & Chong, 1970's Steve Martin
Hi Girls! Feel free to send me a Flirt!
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