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Level 0 Male

 30 yrs old
Vegas, NV
Registered Dec 26 2022
Released Apr 11 2023

22 blogs/27 comments
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Last updated profile on Aug 17 2023 02:27PM
I'm Unique Because...
Naturalist: Definition Below
Lover of Archaeology and Physics
Vegan but, have to eat meat for a certain position I do.

I was raised in Middle Eastern and Asian Customs. Non-religious and don't practice the dietary laws currently but, I keep it code on average. Even when I eat Asian food. Just the way I was raised. I totally ate a frog and a turtle hotpot. It was fun.

*I still wear some of the clothes and hold some of the philosophies. Just not religiously for now.

Naturalism: I don't alter my body unnaturally. My hair, face, skin and physique are maintained naturally. To become closer to the source, I've chosen to not use hair texture or color altering products, skin color or blemish altering products, or body modification products. However, I'm not against people who do use these products. I just choose not to because, I like to be closer to the source.
Useless Daily Update!
Please no males. Don't message me or comment; I'll ignore. I'm not interested in men or anything to do with men using this platform. I'm not religious, I'm just not into dudes.
Physics, Nuerology, Archaeology, Computer Science, Astral Physics, Sociology, Eastern Philosophy, Western Philosophy, Rome

Cultures and subcultures

Favorite Things
Chill people.
What Makes Me Laugh
Yaruminati and my favorite Chinese and Japanese tarentos.
I Have a Dream
Of solving humanity's problems using science and math over deception and harming innocent lives.