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Level 0 Male

 59 yrs old
La Jolla, San Diego, CA
Registered Jun 20 2011
Released Sep 14 2021

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Last updated profile on Sep 14 2021 05:28PM
Favorite Things
An unexpected, connected and memorable encounter.
A woman as intelligent and articulate as she is beautiful.
Visiting beautiful places around the world and finding someone new to enjoy them with.
I'd Like to Meet
...a women who can appreciate being slowly, sensitively, and softly seduced while allowing herself to be caught up in the moment and find the mutual pleasure in the encounter. A woman who can appreciate a man who appreciates all that she is.
I'm Unique Because...
I am one of the last few gentleman around who value a genuine connection above anything else that might occur. The connection is the most important element of any meeting, not the ending.
I travel quite a bit for work, but love to travel and see other places also. I live near the ocean, and can spend hours on the balcony, sipping wine, reading or working with the Pacific Ocean in the vista.
My single mother who raised and supported 2 incredible people all on her own.
A good friend and work colleague whom I married and who bravely and fiercely fought cancer for 18 months even though the doctors only gave her 1 month. While she eventually lost her battle, she was an inspiration to many, as is her memory.
What Makes Me Laugh
clever banter or snarky remarks. Not much for sophomoric humor.
I Have a Dream
that all the fakes and scammers can be clearly identified and tagged. That no one would ever have to "take one for the team" but instead that we could enjoy each other's company for the brief moments in time where we connect.