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Level 1 Female

 54 yrs old
OC, CA Today!
Registered Apr 9 2018
Released Apr 10 2018

28 blogs/17 comments
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Last updated profile on Jan 29 2023 05:01PM
Useless Daily Update!
I love being Naked!!

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People who go out of their way for others, People who pay it forward, Our Military..
Family are my Hero's. No matter if you are the only child or part of a group of people, when you're family you're my hero.
I'd Like to Meet
People who love the same things I do..
Someone who know's the Destinations in the World because they have lived it and not read about it.
I'm Unique Because...
I have a very unique laugh that is infectious! I am always happy!
I have a quality that I care about everyone inside and out, Top to the bottom.
What Makes Me Laugh
When I do something completely stupid I call it my dumb blonde moment or being dick dumb...
What doesn't make me laugh?
I think laughing is the best feeling in the world. I laugh all the time.
I Have a Dream
That just for a day I could be Invisible...
That one day there will be no more senseless violence. That everyone would just use a little common sense. That the World would would be free from pain whether it be from sickness or heart ache.
Favorite Things
Sand on the beach, wind in my hair, blue skies, sunrise, sunset, red backwards hats, cowboy boots, cutoff jean shorts, anything pink, a great choker, tan skin, a great stare,
The scent of different Aromas when I walk into my house. Feeling of the Hot Sun as it beats down on my naked skin in the Desert.
Spending my time at Desert Resorts tanning and being naked around a pool with a cocktail in 1 hand, etc....etc. ...
Meeting new people with different cultures all over the world.