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Level 1 Male

 54 yrs old
San Clemente, OC, CA
Registered Oct 29 2008
Released Aug 13 2010

8 blogs/220 comments
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hornitoss's Blog Blogs about hornitoss 10 people have subscriptions!

Last updated profile on Jan 27 2019 10:28AM
I'm Unique Because...
I suppose because the C, T, A, & G sequences (Cytosine, Thymine Adenine & Guanine) in my DNA are mine, and mine alone!!!
Motorcycles (specifically, twins with a lotta torque) and Italian bikes ... So that includes Harleys & Ducatis.

Target shooting ... specifically trap & skeet. It is ABSOLUTELY NUTS why San Clemente was forced to shut down their trap & skeet range!!!
I'd Like to Meet
Freeman Dyson ... a physics prof who never bothered with getting a PhD, yet who was put in charge of designing and building the TRIGA RESEARCH nuclear reactor (NOT for weapon testing). UCIrvine has a TRIGA reactor.
Richard Feynman (Another physics prof ... Too late to meet him but I actually once went to a lecture he hosted).
Favorite Things
Uhhh ... I sometimes tend to repeat myself ...
Motorcycles (specifically, twins with a lotta torque) and Italian bikes ... So that includes Harleys & Ducatis.

Target shooting ... specifically trap & skeet. It is ABSOLUTELY NUTS why San Clemente was forced to shut down their trap & skeet range which was close by in OC!!! Now it is over an hour drive to get to a range.

A bit of tequila occasionally ... The annual Tijuana Tequila Expo is not to be missed!!! There are a few other places in Tijuana that are not to be missed!
I Have a Dream
I doubt it will ever happen, but that people in the world will be able to deal with their differences in a logical and sane manner such that wars are not the answer to our problems.
And in the event that countries are at war (declared or not) that the loss of a single innocent human life will never be considered acceptable..