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Level 1 Male

 42 yrs old
Diamond Bar, Inland Empire, CA
Registered Jun 19 2022
Released Jun 28 2022

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handsome_1's Blog Blogs about handsome_1 5 people have subscriptions!

Last updated profile on Jul 1 2023 02:02AM
I'm Unique Because...
im a great guy
What Makes Me Laugh
what makes me laugh LUNADREAMS she's a joke I got proof of all her lies, I can't stop laughing about all the stuff she's saying about me, she asked me for roses at front before she started to perform I don't know why she says that I was short when she previously counted the roses dosent make sense lol, then she asked me to be there early I got proof of that too, she bait and switch once she received the roses, then didn't want to perform what she agreed to previously, if according to her I gave her a really bad vibe why she agreed to see me, she dosent even look like her pics either shes bigger i was about to walk out on her but i decided to stay because she told me that she need it the money to try to book a room and she was broke and homeless i felt sorry for her regardless her piƱata look lol, another of her statements from her that makes me laugh when she says that I beg her to see her, like really cmon lol, she knows I'm a really good looking guy and I don't need to be begging anyone cmon, I got proof of everything I'm saying to back me up and even more you'll be surprised to see the true, the red mark I got from her Is as a retaliation which I don't even care, like I said before I got proof of everything feel free to pm for any questions have a great day.