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Level 2 Female

 57 yrs old
Rancho Cucamonga, Inland Empire, CA
Registered Dec 3 2010
Released Jun 12 2017

32 blogs/56 comments
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heartbreaker1's Blog Blogs about heartbreaker1 646 people have subscriptions!

Last updated profile on Oct 4 2018 09:11AM
Useless Daily Update!
Live for today and have as much fun as you can! Why can’t I get past level 2??
I'm Unique Because...
I am a lady through and through. I work hard everyday and still can light your fire everynight!
I Have a Dream
That life is easier for my children than it was for me. I hope that they continue their education and find happinesss in what they do in life.i hope they are always gentlemen and treat people well.
What Makes Me Laugh
I find humor in almost everything a good laugh is good for the soul. Laugh often!!
I'd Like to Meet
I would love to meet the Heartbreakers. They are very talented musicians and I am sure they are fun to hang out with.
And of course you!
Tom Petty is my hero!!! R I P
I am a Huge fan! The biggest fan actually for 40years
Favorite Things
My favorite things include listening to Tom Petty. Hanging with my grown children. I love getting dressed up and looking Hot!
I can't say what my absolute favorite thing is. Maybe I will tell you in person! Maybe I���¢�¯�¿�½�¯�¿�½ll show you.
I interested in making friends and being a good woman! I am most happy when the people around me are happy.
I am interested in getting slammed!