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Level 3 Male

 74 yrs old
Irvine, OC, CA
Registered Mar 1 2015
Released Mar 23 2015

2 blogs/156 comments
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ifoolaround's Blog Blogs about ifoolaround 9 people have subscriptions!

Last updated profile on Jan 4 2024 11:00PM
Useless Daily Update!
Thank You, everyone in my network for considering me to meet with you. I have enjoyed each of you and will remember you always. The great times and a very few so so experiences.
Thinking about this one! I admire those HX ladies who can refuse to tattoo themselves with massive amounts of ink. While I like artistically done ink, a sea of it goes too far in my opinion.One or two not an entire leg or arm, torso and especially on breasts, why mess with perfection on any of that body part.
I'm Unique Because...
Well, I really do not stand outside myself and look.
I Have a Dream
Infrequently get to view them, let alone remember them.
What Makes Me Laugh
Seems to be a spontaneous occurrence. Has become a more rare phenomenon as I no longer work and my access to people is more limited.
Favorite Things
Have changed over life..these have remained constant. I like to travel, eat really great food, medium body red wine, just opening a few 2017's from the cellar, museums, classical music, and films I find of interest. Theaters remain nearly empty, last big screen films have had less than 10 people viewing them. Classical music on the other hand, the venues are 70 to 80 percent full.
Exploring new regions in Eurpoe, bits and pieces of countries I have not yet visted or re-visiting new places in countries which I have previously toured. Finding a really great new RED wine, visit and taste wine and wineries while traveling. 2017 was a spectular year for Eastern European Wines. Now have booked and paid for trips in 2024 (5) have booked 2025 (3) and 2026 (2)
I'd Like to Meet
All I subscribe to, it is a list of ladies with many differing profiles. Redheads and Brunettes now have my interest. I do seem to look at the Blondes regularly, firstl and last.