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Level 2 Male

 56 yrs old
Woodland Hills, SFV, LA, CA
Registered May 20 2011
Released Dec 14 2011

38 blogs/314 comments
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jayjay2011's Blog Blogs about jayjay2011 21 people have subscriptions!

Last updated profile on May 11 2019 03:26PM
Useless Daily Update!
I'm currently in Woodland Hills, CA. However, I travel north to Spokane, WA often during the summers. If you're near me, message me with your cell phone and I'll sms you. Let me know your from hx & handle.

If you are a personal trainer, ask me about my fincentive offer. Also, if you are building a business, ask how I can help make it thrive.

I'm Unique Because...
I'm a big white "teddy bear", soft spoken, gentleman, passionate about life. I love life and all people - even the assholes.

Adventure Guide. I also do Web Design & Photography. Advanced websites & applications and love it.

My father
My grandfather

Most recently serving as an Adventure Guide lately -- hiking anywhere there is water -- rivers, waterfalls, etc. Hit me up if you want to join.

Socializing, travel, passion, outdoor activities & adventure, real people, pleasing my partner, fine dining & wine.

I Have a Dream
To live on a mountain overlooking a beautiful tropical beach.

What Makes Me Laugh
Hearing you laugh
Dirty jokes
Good times

Favorite Things
Places: Culebrita, Ipanema Beach, Bora Bora, Lanikai, Boracay

Food: Prime Ribeye, Sushi, Mediterranean

Drink: Microbrews, Red wine

Turnons: Soft skin, full lips, curves & juicy ladies

Turnoff: Funky smells, fake orgasms & hair in my teeth

Entertainment: UFC, Action Movies, Crime drama, Lakers

Dayyyumm!!! This picture. ... and this one too.

Enough about me, tell me more about you!!!

I'd Like to Meet
Who cares -- right? Well if you do, please read on.

I DO love all people and love to socialize - contact me if you want to hang out (male or female).

However, in dating, I have more discriminating taste. Race is not important - the more diverse or mixed, the better. Of course, physical beauty is good, however; character is the most important.

In a perfect world, you would be a lady that is confident, adventurous, loves to laugh & not afraid to be silly.

Feminine qualities such as sweetness, good hygiene, manicured & preferably recently waxed or shaved.

Interest in making a connection ... is heard, shares feelings, but also listens. Not afraid to show flaws. BS detector - tell it how it is, but still respectful, compassionate & kind to others.

Enjoys pleasing -- no level of hotness or skill can overcome lack of interest or feeling of being rushed.

If I contact you, you may have some of these qualities, if I date you, you probably do and if I date you again, you do.

Please DO NOT have all of these qualities - that would not be good