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Level 1 Male

 57 yrs old
Irvine, OC, CA
Registered Sep 3 2008
Released Mar 20 2008

0 blogs/20 comments
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oc4bh's Blog Blogs about oc4bh 3 people have subscriptions!

Last updated profile on Sep 28 2019 05:36PM
Useless Daily Update!
I'm not on hx very often. I have a great, fun life outside of it. I come here to "scratch an itch"

If I send you an email, I will respond as soon as I can. I am not watching my hx email 24/7. Immediate responses to your email isn't possible, if you send me an email and expect a response in 2 minutes, well I apologize in advance. Give me a chance to respond, because if I send you an email it's because obviously I'm interested
I'm Unique Because...
love meeting new people and making cool fun friends that have NO drama. I am gentlemen on the streets and you know the rest
Beach, ocean, traveling, fun people, fun places to have fun
What Makes Me Laugh
fun people
Favorite Things
Beach, ocean, traveling, fun people, fun places to have fun.
Good wine, music, people and fun environments
my great grandmother & my grandfather
I'd Like to Meet
cool, laid back girls with NO drama who like to travel and have fund
I Have a Dream
to live on an island.