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Level 1 Male

 46 yrs old
Fullerton, OC, CA
Registered Mar 28 2010
Released Dec 8 2010

0 blogs/15 comments
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lateniteowl99's Blog Blogs about lateniteowl99 2 people have subscriptions!

Last updated profile on Jan 8 2022 10:31PM
Anyone that can hold my attention. Simple as that. I specifically have an interest in spending time with those that I like on a personal level and not just a physical one.

After taking several years off from HX, a whole bunch of people in my network aren't around anymore and as a result it's gotten considerably smaller than what it used to be. For anyone looking for a "recent or extensive network" please know that I've seen considerably more HX members than you see in my listings.

Forgive me if I sound like a jerk just now but I feel like I can't be polite about this. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's liars. Fake photos and descriptions are unacceptable. Outdated photos are as well if you look completely different from them. If I meet someone in person and they don't match their photos exactly, I reserve the right to change my mind about seeing them.
I'm Unique Because...
I am me. We're all unique in some way, aren't we?
I'd Like to Meet
Those that can give me memories that will last the rest of my life.
What Makes Me Laugh
off-beat intelligent and witty humor. people that legitimately ARE funny and don't just try to be.
I Have a Dream
that one day I'll wake up and be genuinely happy