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Level 3 Male

 59 yrs old
Santa Monica, LA, CA
Registered Jan 10 2007
Released Mar 20 2008

55 blogs/534 comments
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legglover's Blog Blogs about legglover 21 people have subscriptions!

Last updated profile on Apr 14 2021 12:01AM
I'm Unique Because...
I am not a misogynist.
Favorite Things
Cool sheets... warm kisses... hot showers.
I'd Like to Meet
Beautiful, fit, healthy young women who actually enjoy doing this, and think they might enjoy doing this with me. For real.
I Have a Dream
...That I'll meet someone and we'll discover we have actual chemistry. We'll both enjoy the experience deeply and equally and it will be the beginning of a wonderful no-strings-attached connection that (with mutual respect, honesty, humor, a sense of fun and some luck) lasts a long time.
We can discuss these in person.
What Makes Me Laugh
--how far behind I get on doing network ratings, because... life. SO if you see a rating for someone on a certain day, it most likely has nothing to do when I actually met them (it could be off by years, literally). It's April 2021 and I just posted a few to catch up. I met these women pre-pandemic.
Useless Daily Update!
I am allergic to cats, dust mites and stupidity.