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Level 0 Female

 50 yrs old
San Diego, CA
Registered Sep 21 2023
Released Sep 21 2023

3 blogs/3 comments
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missbirdie's Blog Blogs about missbirdie 320 people have subscriptions!

Last updated profile on May 18 2024 06:50PM
Useless Daily Update!
5/24: Hey, loves! I’m feeling overwhelmed with the mail here. If you’re interested, send me an email at . I’ll get right back to you.

Before we meet, I’ll have you send me an email here to verify your identity/level and if you’re out of mail/fx points, lmk, I can send you one and you send me back a screenshot of it.
I'm Unique Because...
I enjoy just about every person I meet and I like to leave them feeling better than when I met them. I may only be with them for an hour or an afternoon -- I enjoy my independence so much! -- but I often find that I have real affection for them. And opening my heart to someone feeds my soul.
I spend a lot of time with my kids and my dogs, who all make my heart sing, but I also love my time alone, getting into projects and learning new things, mostly politics, art, and dancing. And I'm obsessed with my list of music (cannot use the p word?), everything I do must have the right soundtrack!

I'm not an athlete. I don't have any excitement about the idea of snowboarding or mountain climbing. But I love to be outside and exploring and moving. I make it to the beach almost every day.
Favorite Things
family, dogs, music, dance, art, politics, being close to someone, hitting that spot that makes their eyes roll back, cooking a beautiful meal, getting sweaty, being exhausted after a busy day, conversations where you're jumping from one topic to another out of excitement
I'd Like to Meet
30 people who will be my surrogate family and move with me to Tijuana, living within a walkable radius, so we can grow old together and sit around having deep conversations and enjoy good food. If that doesn't work out, I sure hope it's really easier to learn Spanish once I'm there so I can find myself those 30 after I get there. lol