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Level 5 Male

 55 yrs old
Irvine, OC, CA
Registered Apr 1 2013
Released May 30 2013

20 blogs/477 comments
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passionateone's Blog Blogs about passionateone 32 people have subscriptions!

Last updated profile on Dec 29 2023 07:29PM
I'd Like to Meet
I enjoy meeting new people of all types who are easy-going, fun-loving and only take life seriously when necessary but live a responsible lifestyle

SAFETY NOTE: Unless we know each other, I will ALWAYS send a PM if I text you. I will also reference my text in the PM.
What Makes Me Laugh
Politics and Democrats make me laugh(and cry)
My Parents
My loyal friends

And special recognition to active members and veterans of the United States Military and first responders everywhere. Without them, we don't get to live the lives that we do.
I Have a Dream
and it begins with PowerBall!
Favorite Things
Good hygiene, a round of golf, an excellent bottle of wine, spending time with a lovely woman.
Sports, travel, music, golf, movies, History channel
I'm Unique Because...
This should explain it:

Getting to Know the Sagittarius Man

Sagittarius is a fun-loving, happy sign that's usually a joy to be around. The Archer seems to always be upbeat, and he wants everyone around him to be the same way. If you're down in the dumps, he'll cheer you up with his witticisms and cajoling. You'll never find a Sagittarius man boring. He loves to travel, and an incredible appetite for adventure.

The Archer is open and honest and never tries to hide his feelings, so you'll know exactly where he stands on most issues. Don't ask him a question unless you're prepared to hear the unabashed truth. He never means to be hurtful; it's just that he isn't a very good liar, even when a small fib could spare your feelings. On the other hand, when a Sagittarius man pays you a compliment, you can rest assured that he's being sincere. If he tells you that he loves you, he'll mean it, but you might never hear those words from him. Even if he should fall in love with you, he might still have trouble committing to marriage or any long-term relationship.