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Level 4 Male

 45 yrs old
Pasadena, SGV, LA, CA
Registered Jun 20 2010
Released Jun 20 2010

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Last updated profile on Oct 4 2023 11:41AM
I'm Unique Because...
This does not make me unique, but please know that I always PM first before texting.
Favorite Things
Nature, seeking the beauty in each woman, extended sessions with friends old and new.
Living life to the fullest, with passion and intensity since we are here one moment and gone the next. The day or time no one knows.
Useless Daily Update!
We're not living, we're all simply killing time. We are just doing it in our own way.
Those who have put their lives on the line and have stared death in the eyes so that us civilians can know what freedom feels like. Freedom is relative, but I will take the freedom offered by this great land of ours over any other.
What Makes Me Laugh
The polarization in this country, the unraveling of society, the devolving of the human species. Who says we are evolving? How can we, when we are falling apart from all angles? Case in point, what is happening currently in Ukraine, which is no laughing matter. Seeing what that Russian little man is doing is clear indication that the world is moving in the wrong direction.
I'd Like to Meet
The beautiful women of this community.

As for "notable" figures, no one that is currently alive. All the interesting ones are long gone. They are mere footnotes in the faded pages of old books.
I Have a Dream
That everyone can get along and leave in peace. John Lennon was so right! "No need for greed or hunger, A brotherhood of man" or better yet "Why in the world are we here, Surely not to live in pain and fear." Why did a madman have to assassinate him 40+ years ago?