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Level 2 Male

 55 yrs old
City of Los Angeles, LA, CA
Registered Feb 13 2017
Released Jan 13 2021

69 blogs/971 comments
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rugmuncher's Blog Blogs about rugmuncher 14 people have subscriptions!

Last updated profile on Jan 7 2024 08:04AM
Useless Daily Update!
If I gave a positive rating, you can assume:

1. Services as described.

2. Pics are real and recent.

3. I would and have repeated.
What Makes Me Laugh
The negative ratings left for me.

Every single one involves a girl who I gave a deposit to and who decided to not make good on the session or return the money.

Ask the other girls in my network who have rated me positively and ask how many of them got deposits when they needed them and how patient I was as long as they communicated.

Every single one of these girls is a thief. Plain and simple. See at your own risk and keep your wallet and phone nearby in plain sight.

It is really that simple.
I Have a Dream
That the girls who left me negative ratings will realize that it is bad karma to steal money that was a good faith deposit.