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Level 3 Male

 44 yrs old
City of San Diego, San Diego, CA
Registered Mar 21 2009
Released Mar 20 2008

59 blogs/583 comments
See Photo Albums
tonjit619's Blog Blogs about tonjit619 8 people have subscriptions!

Last updated profile on Jan 15 2019 09:21AM
Useless Daily Update!
How to "rank" safety (this only works after you have issued a 2 minute rating; it will not work if you have only issued a 2 second rating):
1. Click on Network tab
2. Click on Ratings I have issued/issue ratings folder
3. Click on Rank safety folder
4. Find my handle and drag it up to your top 5 and dont forget to click save on the left.
5. If you're on your phone it may or may not allow you to drag handle. works best on a computer.
Favorite Things
Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Marines don't have that problem. [Ronald Reagan, U.S. President; 1985]
I'd Like to Meet
Those who are courteous enough to rate back, ideally with a 2 minute rating.
What Makes Me Laugh
Ladies who do not rate back. They're either "too busy" or "forgot".
Improving my network with high quality friends.
Learning new things.
Good people
Kind people
Thoughtful people
People who help others
Courteous people
People who say "please" & "thank you"
People who put others' needs & interests before their own
People who are self-confident enough to admit when they
are wrong
People who do what they say they're going to do & don't flake
People who don't cheat