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Level 2 Male

 66 yrs old
Registered Oct 1 2014
Released Dec 14 2014

9 blogs/56 comments
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tbdbitl's Blog Blogs about tbdbitl 4 people have subscriptions!

Last updated profile on Aug 1 2021 10:59AM
Useless Daily Update!
Hi Ladies. I am a large guy...overweight, heavy, fat...whatever word you choose to use -- not really "fluffy", more like a big, ol' teddy bear. If you are not interested in making my acquaintance, it is okay to say so and is much more preferable than the deafening silence of getting no response. I'm fairly traditional (not looking for "wild, crazy, or shocking encounters"), like affection, and love to give a woman a lot of attention. I hope to meet you soon. Thank you for your time and consideration.
I'm Unique Because...
I am more interested in "the person" than I am "the package". There are a lot of beautiful people, but a good heart is a lot more attractive to me. Of course, the fact that you are "hot" is perfectly OK with me, too.

I greatly prefer making a few good connections instead of a lot of average ones. I am very loyal!
Service men and women.
My best friend from high school
My parents
All the people who cared enough to tolerate my weaknesses and recognize my strengths.
Big Band music
Good Mysteries and Dramas
Favorite Things
Pets and the love they give
A good pizza
A good steak (do you see a trend, here)
My good friends
Performing music (need to start doing that, again)
Participating in sports (need to start doing that again, too)
What Makes Me Laugh
Funny people (duh)

Funny pets

The guy who puts a dollar in the soda machine and gets nothing in return...and then puts in another dollar...and another...

That same guy from the soda machine when he asks for change for a 5 dollar bill so he can try again!
I'd Like to Meet


A few people who I used to know over the years who had a great impact on who I became.

A few great and wonderful ladies with grace and down to earth attitudes.
I Have a Dream
My dreams are simple and not too far reaching -- to continue to have an adequate job; to get better at having fun; to witness our country returning to the days when it was run by leaders instead of politicians; to meet good people; and maybe to meet you.